Friday, October 28, 2011

Update: Fund Raiser for Japan

Our Fundraiser For Japan through the Soma Shop and also from sales to our other distributors, we were able to donate over $11,000 to The Soma City Earthquake Disaster Orphan Scholarship Fund. Thanks to all our customers who helped out.

The city of Soma is one of the most damaged cities because of three major factors. The earthquake caused huge areas of land to sink into the sea, the Pacific sea coast was washed away by the tsumani, and the city is located only 25 miles away from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant #1. Soma has 48 orphans (under age 18.) “The Soma City Earthquake Disaster Orphan Scholarship Fund” aims to give $300/month to each child until he or she reaches the age of eighteen. These funds can be used for education and living expenses. The mayor Hidekiyo Tachiya handed out support money to the children on July 2. Our donation has gone to support one of the orphans for 3 years.

It's been over 6 months since the disaster. Most survivors have settled into newly built temporary housing, but there is still a lot of work to do to dispose of debris and restore farmland. As of last month, the target amount for the fund was only met half way. The orphans are also getting ongoing care from clinical psychologists for PTSD. If you would like to find out more go to J-Aid USA.

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